Why I Took the COVID-19 Shot & How It Went

Lori and I have had our COVID-19 vaccine series and are officially fully vaccinated.1 We look forward to letting our masks down with our fully vaccinated friends!1 Many of you know that I often advise my patients to forgo certain vaccines in favor of boosting their immunity instead.

So Why Did I Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Certainly not to confuse you! Firstly, COVID-19 disease can be deadly or worse, debilitating. Most or you have heard about death from lungs turned to swiss cheese, massive strokes and multiple-organ failure. But, did you hear about this survey published this past January?

“About 65% of respondents experienced symptoms for at least 6 months. They most often reported fatigue, post-exercise malaise and brain fog, but they also highlighted neurological sensations, headaches, memory issues, muscle aches, insomnia, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, balance issues and speech issues. Less common symptoms included facial paralysis, new allergies, seizures, impaired vision and hearing and a prolonged loss of taste and smell.”2


If you fall in to this category, please schedule an osteopathic treatment with me. It has been effective at treating lingering symptoms after infections such as COVID-19, flu, common cold and bronchitis. It is also the most effective way I know to treat vaccination related symptoms.

Secondly, the COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective, in contrast to a particular vaccine I often suggest forgoing. The risk of side effects is still low. The US has done little to quash this pandemic and I want it over as much as anyone else. Taking a highly effective vaccine with a low side effect profile to put a deadly and debilitating disease behind us is worth the risk to me.

How Did We Do After the COVID-19 Shot?

We both had sore arms after the first dose. This resolved after I exercised the next morning. As expected, we had stronger immune response after the second dose. Lori took the day off afterward due to body aches and a headache. I had a mild viral stiff neck and low back. This resolved in a few days and did not limit my activities. Just a reminder, this immune response is expected and is not considered a side effect. Many people plan ahead and take the day off after their second vaccine. Again, if your symptoms are more severe or long lasting, please schedule an osteopathic treatment with me. It is the most effective way I know to treat vaccination related symptoms. It has also been effective at treating lingering symptoms after infections such as COVID-19, flu, common cold and bronchitis.

I hope this is helpful. If you are patient and have questions about your individual situation, please contact me.


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html
  2. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210105/fatigue-brain-fog-most-common-in-long-covid
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