Antibiotic Alternatives for Dental Work

Do you or someone you know pre-medicate with antibiotics for dental work? Trying to avoid antibiotics after dental work? I had two people in one week ask me about alternatives. Here’s what I recommended to them.

First, be sure you need antibiotics. Not all doctors and dentist have kept up with the latest guidelines. You might appreciate this article.

O’Brien Pharmacy sells Tooth and Gums Tonic. Rinse three days before and at least one week after the procedure.

Another choice is Desbio Pre-Dental and Post-Dental homeopathic drops. O’Brien can order these for you. Take 10 Pre-Dental drops three times daily for 3 days before the visit, then take Post Dental drops for 5 days after, 10 drops three times daily. If time is of the essence, our office can make them for $21 a bottle.

Tooth and Gums Tonic and the Desbio products can be used together.

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