The FDA deemed genetically modified salmon fit for human consumption this past November, making it the first genetically altered animal headed for our dinner plates. Needless to say, I am concerned.
Producers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have seen to it that GMOs are not independently studied. However, early studies in Europe showed damage to nearly every organ in rats fed genetically modified feed. This led the European Union to ban GMOs. I can’t strongly recommend enough that everyone avoid GMOs.
This New York Times article offers more details about the new GMO salmon.
Once this salmon reaches your grocer, it won’t be labeled, because there are no labeling requirements for GMOs. Avoiding farm-raised salmon won’t help as one study showed that 43% of wild salmon was misidentified. Plus, most farm-raised salmon do not contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a key health reason to enjoy salmon and other cold-water caught fish. Also, consider any processed or packaged food to contain GMOs. The most common GMOs are soy, cotton, canola, corn, sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, alfalfa, and squash (zucchini and yellow) according to
Hubby enjoys fish or seafood several times a week on one condition: that he buy it from Vital Choice. I insist upon it for several reasons. Their fish is flash-frozen within minutes of catching it. They fish sustainably in Alaskan and Pacific northwest waters and test their catch for concerning toxins such as mercury, radiation and PCBs. Plus, their fish and seafood is absolutely delicious. With GMO salmon destined for market within the next two years and widespread mislabeling of wild fish and seafood, I urge you to switch to a reputable source of fish and seafood such as Vital Choice.